The Comfort Store

Hello there, it's nice to see you!

I am Jasmine Deswal, a digital creator and founder of The Comfort Store, sharing the story of how and why I thought of creating this little world of comfort for you.

Whenever I have been in distress, the best way of creating a safe space for myself has always been to light some beautiful candles with comforting fragrances and surround myself with soul-soothing decor. Designing a comfort corner  has always successfully raised my spirits, motivated and fuelled me providing much needed clarity.  This led me to realise that the same simple idea could help others like me find solace and ground themselves when in need of a calming presence.

The Comfort Store is thus the manifestation of my strong desire to help people add more healing energy to their lives, light up their world, and fill it with the fragrance of positivity.

Just like my Instagram username, @homey.jd , I hope that this brand will also be your homie/best friend who needs to escape the mundaneness of daily life.I sincerely hope you find comfort, love, and warmth here. Happy exploring!


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+1 (800) 888 9999


9200 E Iowa Ave, Delhi, India

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